Dementia Home Care, Alameda, CA

Dementia Home Care in Alameda, Oakland, Berkeley, Orinda, Lafayette and Walnut Creek, CA.

In terms of mental health, dementia is not a particular disorder but is a general term for the diminished ability to think, remember, or make decisions that impair everyday activities. Dementia mostly affects elderly adults, but they do not belong to normal aging. According to a study, there will be nearly 14 million people affected by dementia in 2060.
When Does Dementia Home Care Become Necessary?

Dementia is a progressive disease that can increase a person’s need for care and support. If this is the case, it’s time they need home care from a professional. During the mid-stages of dementia, it becomes important to provide 24-hour care to keep a dementia person safe. When the disease reaches its late stages, around-the-clock care becomes increasingly necessary.

Benefits of Dementia Home Care

Doesn’t matter whether your loved one is suffering from early-stage, mid-stage, or late-stage dementia, professional and trained caregivers can provide them with excellent care. With dementia home care services, your loved one can remain comfortable and safe at home, regardless of the prognosis. If you look after your family members with dementia, caregivers can make caregiving more manageable. You can also take a break from your overwhelming responsibilities and give more time to other household obligations.

In-home Dementia Care Services

Companies offering dementia home care have customized care plans for every stage and any form of dementia. However, the most common services your dementia caregiver must provide are:

● Assisting with routine tasks
● Remembering the client’s basic and important information
● Engaging the patient in physical activities
● Observing and assessing their responses to the environment, like noise, temperature, etc.
● Making them feel independent by modifying steps to an activity
● Encouraging the patient to participate in self-care
● Know how to deal with clients struggling with aggressive behavior, mood swings, hallucinations, refusal to bathe, depression, etc.

How to Communicate with Dementia Patients
Talk to dementia patients as if you are talking to a baby. Here’s what you should do:

● Be clear and concise. Speak slowly, and use short sentences.
● Make sure you’re making eye contact when they’re expressing their thoughts or asking questions.
● Don’t pressurize them to answer immediately. Instead, give them as much time as they require.
● Try to help them interact with others, whenever you can.

Here’s what you should never do when talking to dementia patients:

● Don’t ever tell them directly that they are wrong.
● Avoid arguing with them.
● Never remind them that their loved one is dead.
● Don’t try to make them remember things from the past.
● Never discuss topics that might upset them.

Common Symptoms of Dementia

Since dementia is a broader term, its symptoms may differ from one individual to another. However, people with dementia usually have problems with:

● Communication
● Attention
● Memory
● Visual perception beyond age-related vision changes
● Judgment, problem-solving, and reasoning

Other symptoms that may indicate dementia are:

● Getting lost in a familiar place
● Forgetting the names of family members or friends
● Unable to complete tasks on their own
● Forgetting past experiences and events
● Describing familiar objects in unusual ways

Get Highly Trained Professionals for Dementia Home Care in Alameda, CA
Home Care Pros can help your loved ones with dementia stay comfortable and safe at home. We customize home care plans for individuals with cognitive disorders, and our services are tailored to individual needs.

Our caregivers are highly trained to deal with people who are aggressive, hallucinating, depressed, or refuse to carry out routine activities. We’ll look after your loved ones with respect, care, and affinity. Contact us for further details!